Picture of Peter

👋  Hi, I'm Peter, an experienced founder who bootstrapped startups up to 6-figures $
Currently offering consulting, you can hire me to explore the unexplored opportunities for your startup.
Only 4 spots left.

Apr 18, 2024

It's 2024. It's a world of opportunities we are living in.

The creator economy has never been so alive, the technology and platforms freely available out there enable us to create content of any kind and let us productize our skills and experience.

Create something useful. Something that solves a burning problem. A painkiller. And you will be rewarded.

The technology is there. A good example of how technology enables us: one click deploy templates provided by Vercel - in about an hour you can have your fully functional startup for headshot image generation SaaS powered by cutting-edge AI. Throw in your logo. Pick a name. Focus on marketing. Watch the sales come in. It might be more challenging than that, but my point is that the technology no longer seems to be the barrier.

What will define your success is wether or not you have done enough marketing in the right places (in front of the right audience) of your product.

Quite often you don't even need to have your own product and you can make money on the Internet from affiliate sales and get paid up to 60% in commission (depending on niche and product).

Things like:

  • Consulting
  • SaaS Products
  • Books & publications
  • Affiliate sales
  • Newsletters (and sponsorships that come with them)

are just a few ways that immediately come to mind where the creator economy will continue to grow and enable many hard working, ambitious individuals to create something of their own.

Oct 30, 2021

Super excited that I have built my own blog... yes, this one right here you're looking at 👀

But I haven't just built a blog, have I? 🤔

No - I've built a set of re-usable components that will come in handy for building micro startups.

🍁 Seasoned developers will know from experience that code re-usability is key.

Here is a lesson learned from a developer with many flight hours:

Always think re-usability whenever you write a line of code, or the DRY ("Don't Repeat Yourself") principle.

It'll pay off in the long term, guaranteed. 🏆

What are the benefits of building your own blog?

  • You'll have a re-usable code base for building other projects.
  • Your own blog gives you a space to experiment with DevOps, setup and deployment pipelines / scripts (if it breaks, it won't have that much impact).
  • And if you're new to programming, you'll learn a whole lot of new things and gain programming experience.
  • Last but not least, you'll have a space to document your programming journey.

Now, and finally, let's move on to building those micro startups... 🚀
